We are delighted to announce the ongoing construction of the Jogja Sonic Index!
The Jogja Sonic Index site will launch on October 5th 2023 from 15-18 at an event held at IVAA in Yogyakarta
The Jogja Sonic Index is a collaborative, interactive database containing comprehensive information about the more than one hundred people, projects, labels, and platforms that make up the vibrant electronic and noise environment in Yogyakarta.
The Jogja Sonic Index is the result of a series of collaborative workshops by a number of active Yogya-based musicians – organized, curated, and edited by Wok The Rock, Indra Menus, and Hilman Fathoni, in collaboration with and sponsored by the research project Java-Futurism.
The Jogja Sonic Index will be searchable by year, people, projects as well as genres. The index will contain a comprehensive set of links to albums, online performance videos, and other material, and it will provide, for the first time, a dynamic online catalogue, made by active members of the Yogyakarta electronic and noise music community themselves, of the history and constantly evolving nature of the multitude of creative experiments on the Yogyakarta electronic and noise music scene in the last two decades.
Snapshots from the Jogja Noise Index workshop, 2 September 2023